Friday, June 25, 2010

Disney movies for tweens.

For me, Sunday is a family day. It is a day dedicated to myself and my family. Luckily, I don’t have work during weekends, there’s no need to wake up early and think of anything work-related. How fun can that be? All I need to do is rest and relax. My day is usually spent at home with my family if there are no planned outings, most of the time watching TV’s or DVDs.

This Sunday was not different. My girlfriend and I hunted for movies on DVDs from my neighbors and even through the internet for our viewing pleasure. The search wasn’t hard as there are websites with surprisingly wide range of DVD selections.

Donna, my girlfriend, loves Disney movies so for a change, we looked for Disney movies online and found a website that makes available Disney Movies directly marketed for the Tween marketplace. The web site is called Disney Tween and they offer teen movies on DVD and Blu-Ray. Some of the movies for teens that we saw featured are Hannah Montana, The Princess Diaries, Jump In! Freestyle Edition and High School Musical 3: Extended Edition.

Donna loves these Disney movies. I remember how excited she was when we watch these movies in the big screen. And she said that she would love to watch these movies over and over again. She is now planning to invite our nieces next weekend to watch these great movies. The first movie on her list is The Princess Diaries Special Edition.

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