Another upcoming show that all Kapamilyas will surely love is the “Las Tontas No Van Al Cielo. Las Tontas No Van Al Cielo, translated as “Dumb Women Don’t Go To Heaven”, is an upcoming tagalized Mexican telenovela on ABS-CBN.
Candy is a beautiful young girl filled with dreams and hopes for her future. At her 15th birthday party, she meets the man of her dreams: Patricio. He became everything to Candy. He was in her thoughts and in all her dreams. Not only was he her boyfriend, he also became her father’s boss. Candy couldn’t be happier and shares her happiness with her two sisters, Alicia and Veronica. Some time later, Alicia moves to Tijuana and Veronica dies due to a liposuction gone wrong. At her 18th birthday party, just one week before her long dream wedding with Patricio, Candy makes love for the very first time. Alicia arrives for Candy’s wedding, who feels guilty for her sister as she feels responsible that Alicia has abruptly ended her career as a dancer. Alicia forgives her, or so, Candy thinks.
Patricio on the other hand, is deeply in love with the “daughter of the chauffer”, thing which allows him to enjoy his small revenge against his father. His father was an alcoholic who abused his mother. At Patricio’s bachelor’s party, his friends have prepared him a little surprise. They give him a key to the same hotel where Alicia is staying at. Alicia discovers the little prank and takes advantage of the situation to have intimacy with Patricio.
At Patricio and Candy’s wedding, a leaf is about to turn over. Candy invited her dear Uncle Meño, who had been long excluded by the family when he announced he was gay. Meño arrived to the church but left soon after to avoid any confrontations but left an envelope containing much money. During the wedding party, Patricio and Alicia go into a bathroom to discuss what had happened the night before. Candy, who had gone to change her shoes, arrives just in time to see Alicia and Patricio enveloped in a passionate kiss. Candy’s parents try to reason with her saying Patricio is a man and a situation like that is very normal for a man.
Candy now has two routes. Be stupid, follow her parents advice and marry the man she loves even after he’s betrayed her and very likely will continue to do so? Or take a chance, leave the man who betrayed her and find her destiny somewhere else?
Stripping off her wedding dress, throwing it in her ex-love’s face, and running across the beach in her lingerie, Candy is about to change her destiny. Candy discovers the envelope her Uncle gave her to travel to Mexico City and kill the old Candy and be born anew. In Mexico City, Candy moves in with her Uncle Meño without knowing that the one time she made love with Patricio, was enough to leave her pregnant. Meño has Candy’s family believe that their beloved daughter died and that her ashes were deposited in Guadalajara, where Candy and her uncle currently live. Months later, Candy’s baby, Salvador is born.
Seven years later, Candy and, Santiago reunite. They had met previously at her ill-fated wedding but had got off on the wrong foot when he introduced himself as a plastic surgeon. Santiago is a single father who had been abandoned by his wife, Paulina , years earlier right after their baby girl, Rocio, had been born. When she left Santiago no longer focused on finding love, only on his girl and his profession as a plastic surgeon. After his wife’s departure, Santiago no longer trusted or respected women and only saw them as forms as entertainment. When he meets Candy, he is determined to romance her in order to take her to bed but he quickly discovers how special Candy really is and falls in love with her.
Though they first dislike each other as time passes, Candy takes a liking to Santiago and attempts to live a romance with him, though always with the constant battle of love against her dignity of woman and the obstacles placed in her way by Marissa, Santiago’s girlfriend and Candy’s business partner. Candy publishes, in a popular public magazine, a weekly column titles “Stupid women don’t go to heaven.” When the column proves to be a success, Candy’s dream of having a proper place in society as a women, becomes reality.
Without imagining it, Santiago is to be her rival as he continues with his clinic dedicated to artificial beauty while Candy is dedicated in promoting inner beauty. The confrontations will be many: she will rob patients from Santiago and he from her. But above anything and everything will be the love that’s greater than both of them can even imagine.
Everything changes when Patricio re-enters Candy’s life determined to win back the women he still loves but the catch…he is now married with Alicia. Candy will now have to decide to whom her heart really belongs to…Patricio? Her first love, the love of her life. the father of her son but the man who betrayed her? Or Santiago? A man who represents everything Candy goes against but yet offers Candy an opporutnity to re-discover love? Can Candy make a decision? Could her heart be able to trust and love once more?
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